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Postponement of the MLA Diplomatic Conference (8–19 June 2020)

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
As a member of the Core Group of the MLA Initiative, which also includes Argentina, Belgium, Mongolia, the Netherlands and Senegal, we regret to inform that after careful consideration and in response to the continuing developments surrounding COVID-19 pandemic, the Diplomatic Conference for the negotiation of the Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of the Crime of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes, which was scheduled for 8–19 June 2020 in Ljubljana, is postponed until further notice.

Given the current uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, a new date will be announced at a later stage. We remain convinced that together we can make the MLA Initiative an important tool in the fight against impunity, which is why we will continue with our efforts throughout these challenging circumstances.

For more information on the MLA Initiative as well as the current draft MLA Convention, please visit the MLA Initiative webpage.