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Vegetables instead of flowers

The company Ocean Orchids from Dobrovnik has started growing vegetables on a trial basis. Ocean Orchids is a ten-year-old company with forty employees located in the extreme northeast of Slovenia that cultivates 2 million orchids every year.
Agriculture Minister Aleksandra Pivec visited Ocean Orchids, whic has decided to also start growing vegetables

Agriculture Minister Aleksandra Pivec visited Ocean Orchids, whic has decided to also start growing vegetables | Author MKGP

Paying a visit to Ocean Orchids, Agriculture Minister Aleksandra Pivec said that such a rapid adaptation to the situation could also serve as an example to others on how to increase food self-sufficiency in times of crisis. She announced government measures to facilitate such practices.

After the visit, Ms Pivec said that this was a successful undertaking that is being put into practice as a result of the crisis and that investments in Slovenia should be focused primarily on areas that lead to self-sufficiency.

"Today we are not celebrating orchids cultivated by Ocean Orchids, today we are celebrating our technology, greenhouses that allow us to switch from growing ornamental plants to growing vegetables in virtually one day. We will definitely not change our business model, but in a certain period we will grow vegetables and offer them to the Slovenian market," said Ocean Orchids Director Roman Ferenčak.

The main message is that greenhouses provide the key answer to the crisis that Slovenia is facing, as our country has very poor self-sufficiency when it comes to vegetables, Mr Ferenčak added.

For growing salads, they use the same technology in the same manner, in the same pots and with a similar substrate to that for orchids. In his words, should the current situation be prolonged, they would be able to grow almost all vegetables while their production keeps up with the needs of retailers.