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20th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

At today's session, the Government issued the Ordinance on the manner of conducting public passenger transport in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, the Ordinance repealing the Ordinance on the provisional conditions on carrying out sports activities and the Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the temporary restriction of the gathering of people in public spaces and areas in the Republic of Slovenia.

Government issues the Ordinance on the manner of conducting public passenger transport in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia

The Ordinance on the manner of conducting public passenger transport in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia provides for the relaxation of restrictions on regular public passenger transport services, regular transit passenger transport services, special regular passenger transport services, occasional passenger transport services, passenger services in international road transport with alternative journeys and public passenger services in international railway transport the day after the publication of the Ordinance in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

On the basis of the Ordinance, international public passenger transport will now also be provided in accordance with other conditions applicable between the Republic of Slovenia and other countries. All forms of passenger services in national and international road and railway transport and passenger transport by cableway will be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the National Institute of Public Health.

Spectators allowed to attend sports events again as of 15 June

The Government issued the Ordinance repealing the Ordinance on the provisional conditions on carrying out sports activities. This Ordinance will enter into force on 15 June 2020.

By repealing the Ordinance on the provisional conditions on carrying out sports activities, it will again be allowed to organise international sports competitions and spectators will be able to attend sports events, while taking into consideration the recommended guidelines to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus issued by the ministry responsible for health and the National Institute of Public Health and published on the website of the ministry responsible for health. 

Gatherings of up to 500 people to be allowed as of June 15 upon due consideration of safety precautions

At today's session, the Government issued the Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the temporary restriction of the gathering of people in public spaces and areas in the Republic of Slovenia, which will be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. The amended Ordinance will enter into force on 15 June 2020. 

The Government took note of the expert assessment carried out by the expert group for the containment and control of the COVID-19 epidemic at the Ministry of Health. The expert group proposed the lifting of measures regarding the restriction of gatherings in public spaces. As of 15 June 2020, gatherings of up to 500 people (previously 200) will thus be allowed, provided that safety precautions for preventing the spread of the virus are observed.

In accordance with Article 5 of the Ordinance on the temporary restriction of the gathering of people in public spaces and areas in the Republic of Slovenia, the Government shall determine the professional justifiability of such measures every seven days and decide on the basis of expert opinion whether these measures will continue to apply, be amended or be abolished, and will notify the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and the public accordingly.