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1 July – Start of Trio Presidency of Germany, Portugal and Slovenia

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
From 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2021, the Presidency of the Council of the European Union will be held successively by Germany, Portugal and Slovenia. For several months, the trio has worked in the spirit of constructive and friendly cooperation to shape the 18-month programme. In June 2020, the final Presidency programme was presented and approved at the General Affairs Council.

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The joint programme of the next successive presidencies reflects the objectives of the EU strategic agenda and touches on the main aspects of EU activity and response in the light of covid-19 pandemic.

On 1 July, Germany will kick off the Presidency focusing primarily on reaching an agreement on the multiannual financial framework and the recovery instrument as vital elements in the response to the covid-19 crisis. Other priorities include future relations with the United Kingdom, addressing migration, the respect for the rule of law and enhancing EU’s resilience and ability to respond to global challenges. Portugal will take over on 1 January 2021 emphasizing economic and trade aspects, the social dimension of recovery and EU’s external action.

In the second half of 2021, Slovenia will endeavour to improve the capacity of the EU and its Member States by adopting adequate management plans for future crises, including pandemics or large scale cyberattacks. Furthermore, particular attention will be devoted to ensuring the flawless functioning of the European economy, while respecting the Green Deal and the digital transformation agenda, and to pursuing the EU enlargement, in accordance with the progress of reform processes in the Western Balkan countries.

At the beginning of the trio Presidency, on 3 July, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Anže Logar will host the German Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas. Their Portuguese counterpart, Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva will join them by videoconference. This will be the second meeting of foreign ministers of Germany, Portugal and Slovenia after the first preparatory encounter on 22 May 2019 in Berlin where the 18-month programme began to shape.

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