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41st Slovenian KFOR contingent assumes tasks in Kosovo

On Friday, July 3, 2020, a ceremony was held at Camp Villaggio Italia in Pec/Peja, Kosovo, marking the handover and takeover of tasks and areas of operations between the 40th and 41st KFOR contingents of the Slovenian Armed Forces.

The Commander of the 40th Slovenian KFOR Contingent, Lieutenant Colonel Peter Čuden, handed over the duties of the Commander of the Slovenian Contingent and at the same time the Deputy Commander of the Regional Command West to the Commander of the 41st Contingent, Lieutenant Colonel Igor Šepec.

The ceremony was attended by KFOR Commander, Major General Michele Risi, and all other top military representatives in Camp Villaggio Italia.

The 41st Contingent includes 250 members from various Slovenian Armed Forces units, the core of which consists of members of the 1st Brigade.


Poveljnik 41. kontingenta Slovenske vojske v silah Kfor na Kosovu je podpolkovnik Igor Šepec
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