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United Nations published latest global review of development of e-government

The United Nations has published the latest global review of the development of e-government. It is a regular and established publication, which UNDESA has been preparing since 2001. According to the e-government development index, Slovenia is ranked 23rd among 193 countries.

There are great differences in the development of e-government between the countries of the world. In the most developed countries, the level of digitalization is so high that the United Nations methodology cannot show the differences between them, so EU or OECD analyses are more relevant for such comparisons. However, for developing countries where they have only just begun the digital transformation, such analyses can show well where more developed countries are developing and make it possible to monitor their progress along this path.

The definition of e-government used in these measurements is adapted to the view of the United Nations and is based on the goals of sustainable development, so the analysis is primarily focused on areas of economic development, education, health, social, employment, environment, energy. Each year, the methodology adapts slightly to current trends and needs, which makes it somewhat difficult to compare results between individual years.



Digital transformation has already become a critical component of sustainable development in many countries. The importance of digital approaches is further emphasized by this year's COVID-19 pandemic, when it is even more important that countries provide information to citizens, mitigate the negative effects of isolation and prevent digital divides, and enable people to be involved and co-design solutions.