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EU funding for short-time work subsidies

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for the ERDF, the ESF and the Cohesion Fund, has issued a funding decision for the programme COVID-19 – Short-time work subsidies. The programme with a budget of nearly EUR 93 million will be implemented by the Employment Service of Slovenia and fully funded by the European Social Fund. The cohesion region Vzhodna Slovenija will receive EUR 38.64 million from the programme while the remaining EUR 54.35 million will be allocated to the cohesion region Zahodna Slovenija.

The programme will support the companies that experience economic difficulties, i.e. a drop in production and sales/demand after the period of COVID-related shutdown or closures.

Short-time work subsidies are intended to protect workers’ jobs, ensure income security of employees and help companies successfully overcome the economic damage suffered because of the pandemic.  

The goal of the programme is to keep 36,672 workers in employment in companies experiencing at least a 10-percent cut in working hours of at least 10% of the company’s workforce.