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28th Slovenian UNIFIL Contingent assumes duties within the international mission in Lebanon

On Monday, July 20, Shamaa military base in Lebanon was the venue of a handover ceremony between the 27th and 28th Slovenian UNIFIL contingents.

Lieutenant Colonel Aleš Umek handed over command of Slovenian contingent to Major Metod Žura. In his address, he emphasized that contingent members had shown exceptional flexibility and professionalism, even in the changed situation following the spread of the new coronavirus. The ceremony was also attended by Commander of Sector West, Brigadier General Diego Filippo Fulco, who was presented the International Cooperation Medal of the Minister of Defence, Grade I from the hands of Lieutenant Colonel Umek.

The Slovenian Armed Forces UNIFIL contingent operates in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution 1701 and is led by Italy. The mission's tasks are to monitor the area independently and in synchronisation with the Lebanese Armed Forces, to coordinate activities between Israel and the Lebanese authorities, and to provide assistance to the civilian population.

By handing over of the flag, the former commander handed over the command of the UNIFIL contingent in Lebanon to the new commander. | Author Slovenian Armed Forces