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EU funding to support the internationalisation of SMEs

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a funding decision for the call for proposals Co-financing of costs of digitalising sales processes and producing promotional and marketing materials for foreign markets - JPTT2020-COVID19. The call will be published by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and will make EUR 800,000 available from the European Regional Development Fund.

The call for proposals aims to cushion the impact of COVID-19 on the SME sector, notably in the area of their activities to go international and expand. The funding provided under the call will help the SMEs retain foreign customers while attracting new customers and target audience in international markets; at the same time, support will be geared to providing opportunities for SMEs to promote and market their products and services in international markets.  

The funding made available under the call for proposals will be earmarked for the digitalisation of SMEs’ sales processes and for the promotional and marketing materials used for advertising and promoting SMEs’ products and services abroad.