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The German, Portuguese, and Slovenian Ministers of Agriculture make a joint declaration on agricultural priorities

The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Aleksandra Pivec, today attended the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting in Brussels (AGRIFISH). On the margins of the meeting, the Ministers of Agriculture of Germany, Portugal and Slovenia made a joint declaration in which they presented the programme of work of the future Trio Presidency regarding agriculture, fisheries and forestry.

The German, Portuguese, and Slovenian Ministers of Agriculture make a joint declaration on agricultural priorities

The German, Portuguese and Slovenian Ministers of Agriculture made a joint declaration in which they presented the programme of work of the Trio Presidency regarding agriculture, fisheries and forestry, with an emphasis on coping with and addressing the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although this is an unofficial document, it nevertheless contains broad guidelines for the main objectives in agriculture, including ensuring a fair balance between social and environmental requirements, maintaining the long-term viability of agricultural and rural areas in Europe, and the contributions of agriculture to debate on the European Green Deal, particularly the farm to fork strategy and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, recognising that the future CAP will focus on providing reliable and sustainable prospects for EU farmers.

Minister Pivec said that the exceptional situation caused by the COVID-19 crisis reminded us of the strategic importance of the security and resilience of food supply, particularly food chains. With regard to the joint declaration, she also highlighted the establishment of a balance between the rural and urban environments and the need for clearer labelling of the origin of food, where a compromise is needed between the protection of consumers and the rights of primary producers. In closing, Minister Pivec also touched on the protection of strategic resources and concern for the social status and position of women in rural areas, concluding that many challenges lie ahead of us in these areas.