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EU funding for sewerage system construction in Koper and Ankaran municipality

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a grant decision for the project “Wastewater discharge and treatment in the municipality of Koper and Ankaran”. The project worth EUR 15.8 million will receive Cohesion Fund support in the amount of EUR 7.3 million.

The project will be realised by the Urban Municipality of Koper and the Municipality of Ankaran and covers the construction of faecal sewerage system in the agglomerations Škofije, Hrvatini in Bertoki. Currently, the faecal wastewater in being treated by individual small wastewater treatment plants or septic tanks from where the wastewater penetrates into the ground or flows into ravines or lower lands.   

The investment will equip the abovementioned agglomerations with a sewerage system bringing a higher quality of wastewater treatment to over 1650 inhabitants.