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EU funding for start-up of businesses in disadvantaged border areas

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
  • Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a grant decision for the “Call for proposals for the financing of incentives for the start-up of businesses in disadvantaged border areas – COVID 1”. The total amount available under the call for proposals, which was published today by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, is EUR 5 million of which European Regional Development Fund contribution amounts to EUR 3.7 million.

The call for proposals aims to provide financial incentives for the start-up of businesses in disadvantaged border areas in the form of grants for investments, external services and salaries.

The call for proposals will support the start-up of businesses and preserve the existing jobs in the disadvantaged border areas in Slovenia. The financial support will enable the start-up of small business with over 10 and less than 50 employees which have suffered the effects of unfavourable conditions of the border areas and whose activity has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 epidemic due to the limited physical and material business activity in the border area (closing of the borders, restricting cross-border movement). The call for proposals will enable businesses to enter the market, improve their performance and preserve their competitiveness in the national market as well as the cross-border and foreign markets.