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Celebration on the day of the return of Primorska to its homeland

Today, Slovenia celebrates the day of the return of Primorska to its homeland, commemorating the entry into force of the Paris Peace Treaty in 1947, with which the majority of Primorska people joined their homeland. On the national holiday, which is not a work-free day, several ceremonies will be held across the country - the main one was held in Ankaran on Saturday.
The united people of Primorska then returned to their homeland after WWII and united Slovenians founded their own state in 1991

The united people of Primorska then returned to their homeland after WWII and united Slovenians founded their own state in 1991 | Author STO

In today's message on the day of the return of Primorska to its homeland, Prime Minister Janez Janša emphasised that today's national holiday is an expression of respect and gratitude to generations of Primorska people, for their national pride, persistence, resistance against the Fascist regime and its violent assimilation, and their loyalty to Slovenia.

Today's national holiday unites not only the Primorska people, but the whole nation, wrote the Prime Minister in his message. "We celebrate the power of the survival of the nation, which had to face numerous severe trials in the past. Today's national holiday is also a holiday of love for the homeland," he added.