Minister Počivalšek: Launch of Slovenian satellites a supreme and historic achievement
According to the Minister's assessment we made a major technological breakthrough for Slovenia with the launch of these satellites, while also positioning ourselves on par with other hi-tech superpowers. He also emphasised that the Ministry recognised the mission’s potential and co-financed the satellite launch by contributing more than three million euros. In Počivalšek’s words: “These satellites open up possibilities for using information gained from space in daily life, industry, agriculture, the energy sector and in state administration. We are facing a major challenge ahead of how and where to move forward.”
Over the next few days Slovenia will sign an association agreement with the European Space Agency, thereby gaining new opportunities to access funding, paving the road for potential new partnerships and access to new information. As a result the Minister believes that the Slovenian economy will be able to develop at a greater pace and generate products and services with higher added value. The Minister is convinced that the space technology will contribute to Slovenia becoming smarter, more creative and environmentally conscious.
Nemo HD's project manager Tomaž Rodič explained that the Nemo satellite is a micro satellite that has been in development since 2010. In his words, the evolution of this satellite was full of pitfalls and errors, with the satellite being put together for the first time already in 2013.
Trisat's project lead Iztok Kramberger explained that the Trisat mission marks a major step forward towards internationalising Slovenia's space industry. He expects the mission to raise the country’s current technological readiness, promote space engineering to the youth and encourage international partnerships.