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Around 1% of the population infected with SARS-CoV-2

Head of the expert group for the containment and control of the COVID-19 epidemic at the Ministry of Health Bojana Beović said that around 1% of the population is infected, i.e. 20,000 people, which is more than the official number of 7,103 active cases.
Commander of the Civil Protection Service of the Republic of Slovenia Srečko Šestan.

Commander of the Civil Protection Service of the Republic of Slovenia Srečko Šestan talks to the press. | Author Daniel Novakovič, STA

Similarly, the number of hospitalised patients, especially in intensive care units, is also alarming. Given the number of new cases expected in the next few days, it may happen that anywhere from 480 to 680 people will require hospitalisation, of whom 80 to 190 will need intensive care treatment, in the second week of November, Ms Beović assessed.

The measures adopted by the advisory group target areas which have been shown to contribute to the spread of the virus. The group relies on data obtained by the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) about most common sources of infections, while also taking into account expert analyses from abroad.

There is already a shortage of healthcare staff, both doctors and nurses, in intensive care units, as departments of infectious diseases have to establish an independent team to care for COVID-19 patients as well as another team to treat other patients with infectious diseases. The work in intensive care units is also very specific, meaning that the transfer of personnel from other departments is not possible.

Commander of the Civil Protection Service of the Republic of Slovenia Srečko Šestan presented the main areas of intervention in accordance with the national emergency response plan upon the declaration of an epidemic: provision of services of two mobile labs and provision of services of EMTs and firefighters performing disinfection and decontamination measures in buildings. The Civil Protection Service also distributes protective equipment.

It also offers their services to the healthcare system. At the present time, this especially means help in setting up the mobile units for the entry points at testing sites.

Individuals who would like to help the existing teams can reach out to the municipal boards, which will assign them with tasks, especially in the distribution of aid to those in need.