Slovenia extends humanitarian assistance to developing countries for fight against consequences of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic, in which 47 million people have been infected and more than 1.2 million have died, has brought about an extraordinary situation around the world. We are in fact dealing with one of the gravest world crises in recent decades. The situation is especially difficult in developing countries and in countries facing humanitarian crises. These countries are fighting not only the pandemic and its consequences, but also hunger, development challenges and humanitarian issues, such as poor sanitation, inadequate healthcare and a shortage of medication. Due to weakened economies and poor health conditions in many developing countries, the further escalation of the pandemic could lead to catastrophic consequences for the whole world and would represent a step back in the efforts for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Based on the increasing needs, the Slovenian Government adopted a decision to make a humanitarian contribution of EUR 45,000 to the World Food Programme in response to the WFP Global Response to COVID-19 and of EUR 50,000 to address humanitarian needs in North Macedonia. The contribution is being distributed equally between the ICRC and Caritas Internationalis and the funding will be primarily allocated to providing humantarian aid for the most vulnerable social groups.
This contribution is an additional response on the part of Slovenia to the increasing needs resulting from the pandemic in developing countries. With the reprogramming of all its development and humanitarian projects this year and including the contributions made via international organisations and donations of material resourcess, Slovenia has allocated EUR 1.22 million for the response to COVID-19 in developing countries.