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State Secretary Dovžan received ELA’s Executive Director Boiangiu for a courtesy meeting

The new Executive Director of the European Labour Authority (ELA), Cosmin Boiangiu, paid a visit to Slovenia on 29 January 2021 as part of his tour of EU Member States. He was received by State Secretary Gašper Dovžan when he paid a courtesy visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition to the promotion of the European Labour Authority, the visit is also aimed at establishing sound foundations for cooperation and at enhancing relations with the competent labour authorities in Slovenia, with which the ELA would like to cooperate more closely in the future. The Executive Director also met with the Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs.
during the meeting

State Secretary Gašper Dovžan and Executive Director of the European Labour Authority (ELA) Mr Cosmin Boiangiu | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

The two exchanged views on current issues related to labour mobility in the EU, agreeing that this is a complex topic where good cooperation between the ELA and Member States will be crucial for achieving the objectives. The post-Corona transformation should be an opportunity to create the conditions for new jobs that will help preserve social security rather than diminishing social rights. It is vital to ensure that the dual transition is carried out justly and fairly, something the COVID-19 pandemic has made even more evident and necessary.

Established in July 2019, the ELA is expected to become fully operational by 2024, when it will employ some 140 staff, including seconded national liaison officers, the Slovenian representative among them. The main objective of the ELA, which has brought together the technical and operational tasks of several EU bodies in this area under one roof, is to contribute to ensuring fair labour mobility on the internal market.