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State Secretary Dovžan with Slovenian members of European Economic and Social Committee on priorities of Slovenia's EU Council Presidency

On the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and as part of the preparations for Slovenia's presidency of the Council of the EU, State Secretary Dovžan today held a virtual meeting with Slovenian members of the European Economic and Social Committee. In his introductory address, he outlined the envisaged priority tasks of the Slovenian presidency in the second half of this year.
State Secretary Gašper Dovžan during talks

State Secretary Gašper Dovžan during talks | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

State Secretary Dovžan stressed the importance of strengthening the Union's resilience, the economic recovery of the EU with an emphasis on the twin green and digital transitions, its consolidation based on the rule of law and the preservation of the European way of life. He also advocated for a safe Union that would act as a reliable and decent partner in the neighbourhood and around the world.

In light of the preparations for Slovenia's EU Council presidency, the meeting participants exchanged views on and proposals for cooperation with the European Economic and Social Committee, which provides an opportunity to put in joint efforts aimed at successful implementation of the priorities of the Slovenian presidency. They agreed to redouble their collaborative efforts during the presidency and exchange information on topics that are of special interest to Slovenia.

The State Secretary went on to underline the importance of fruitful cooperation with the European Economic and Social Committee, pointing out that it is vital to stay connected with Slovenian members of the Committee. He thanked them for all their initiatives and proposals and called for the continuation of such meetings, as they are conducive to enhancing the cooperation with the Committee.