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Claims made by STA about National Recovery and Resilience Plan inaccurate

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
A number of media outlets today summed up the untrue statements of the Slovenian Press Agency (STA) in connection with the Slovenian Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). STA citing unofficial information reported that according to the European Commission Slovenia’s RRP is among the least prepared.

The European Commission has not yet reviewed any of the Member States’ plans, as the documents can only be formally submitted for assessment once the Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation is adopted.

As with other European Cohesion Policy programmes, where operational programmes are coordinated at working level with European Commission officials prior to formal submission for approval, the National Recovery and Resilience Plans are subject to similar procedural steps.

The Slovenian Recovery and Resilience Plan is among the 18 plans which are substantively comprehensive in this process and subject to numerous meetings on which EC officials provide recommendations for improvements to Member States. Numerous consultations have been held with EC officials in recent months. There will be more of such coordination in this month and the next.

Neither Slovenia nor any other Member State has received any assessment whatsoever regarding the draft RRP. Even when RRPs are formally submitted for assessment, they will not receive positive or negative reviews. The documents will either be approved or rejected. In the meantime, all the efforts of officials at both European and national levels are going toward drawing up good plans that will provide the best support for overcoming the crisis. We are also confident that these efforts will result in the approval of RRPs in all EU Member States.