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State Secretary Raščan and his Romanian counterpart Feruţa on bilateral cooperation

State Secretary Stanislav Raščan today held a video conference with the State Secretary for Global Affairs and Diplomatic strategies of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Romania, Cornel Feruţa.
Dr. Raščan by computer

State Secretary Stanislav Raščan during the video conference | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

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The state secretaries welcomed the positive relations between their respective countries, including good bilateral cooperation in international and regional forums, and regular political dialogue at all levels.

In addition to relations and collaboration between the two countries at the bilateral and multilateral levels, the discussion also focused on activities and collaboration within the Three Seas Initiative, transatlantic ties, relations with China, including the 17+1 initiative, cooperation between Central and Eastern Europe and China, and the Road and Belt Initiative. The counterparts also advocated for close cooperation during Slovenia’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of this year.