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Substantial additional EU funding to restart business in problematic border areas

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved additional EU funding for the “Call for proposals for financing of initiatives to restart business in problematic border areas – COVID 19” implemented by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. The total funding made available under the call for proposals amounts to over EUR 14.2 million of which the European Regional Development Fund contribution represents over EUR 10.5 million.

The total available funding thus increased from the original EUR 5 million to just over EUR 14.2 million. Additional funds will be used to support projects that reached the co-financing threshold during the period of the call being open to submitting project proposal. Changing the call for proposals will support a larger number of companies which will additionally contribute to mitigating the consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic and to strengthening the resilience of the economy.

The call for proposals supports the restart of companies and enables the preservation of existing jobs in Slovenia’s problematic border areas. Its objective is to provide financial support to restart business in the form of grants for investments, external services and salaries. The call for proposals enables re-entry into the market, improvement of operational performance compared to the crisis period, and maintaining competitiveness in domestic, cross-border and foreign markets.

In light of the strong interest demonstrated by the applicants, amending the funding decision enabled approving substantial additional funding for the implementation of the call for proposals.