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Virtual session of the Slovenian-Brazilian Joint Commission for Economic Cooperation

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Today saw the third session of the Slovenian-Brazilian joint Commission for Economic Cooperation, held this time in virtual form. The Slovenian side of the Joint Commission was chaired by the Director-General for Economic and Public Diplomacy at the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Iztok Grmek, and the Brazilian side by Ambassador Kenneth Félix Haczynski da Nóbrega, Secretary of Bilateral Negotiations in the Middle East, Europe and Africa.
participants at the table

The delegation at the virtual session | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

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The participants confirmed substantial possibilities for deepening bilateral economic cooperation between the two countries. In addition to the general review, collaboration in space technologies, a wide area of digital content, in particular artificial intelligence technologies, defence cooperation and air transport was also addressed.

Later on, the co-chairs of the two countries are due to put their signatures to a joint declaration setting out the results of the meeting and the guidelines for further work. The next meeting of the Joint Commission will take place in Slovenia in 2023.