Declaration on Activities of the Republic of Slovenia in EU Institutions for 2021–2024
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Permanent Representation to the European Union Brussels
This time, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia has drawn up a proposal for the Declaration that covers a longer period than usual, which coincides with the full legislative term of the European Commission. Thus, the Declaration is appropriately aligned with the EU Strategic Agenda for 2019–2024 and the Commission's new multiannual programming period 2020–2024.
The Declaration is a concise strategic document that, given the extended period it covers, provides political guidelines which will facilitate the planning process and ensure greater stability and efficiency of the line ministries’ activities.
The Declaration is divided into four chapters that are dedicated to the following thematic sections:
- European Union – returning to the fundamental values,
- New impetus for the Union,
- Six priority areas of action in Slovenia,
- Second Presidency of the Council of the EU.
The abovementioned priority areas include sustainable economic recovery, strengthening economic and social cohesion in the Union, protecting citizens and freedoms, promoting the Union’s interests and values in the neighbourhood and the world as well as continuing the enlargement process, strengthening the common foreign policy and deepening transatlantic ties, and more effective functioning of the Union.
Declaration on the Activities of the Republic of Slovenia in the Institutions of the European Union is a fundamental document with strategic guidelines that sets a broader framework for the activities of the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia when adopting legislative acts and other documents at the Council of the European Union.