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Invitation to the virtual UN International Procurement Seminar, 16–17 June 2021

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the Embassy of Slovenia in Copenhagen, in cooperation with the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and SPIRIT Slovenia, invite you to participate in the UN International Procurement Seminar to take place in virtual format on 16–17 June 2021. This year, the seminar is being organised for a second time, in partnership with Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom.
grafika z vabilom

Vabilo na spletni seminar | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

In 2019, UN Agencies procured almost EUR 17 billion worth of goods and services, from pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, motor vehicles, drinking water supply and food and beverage products to services in ICT, transportation, energy and waste-water treatment. 

The seminar provides an excellent opportunity for Slovenian companies to engage with the UN agencies and gain a valuable insight into procurement practices, tender opportunities and how to do business with the UN. All registered companies can request a pre-arranged meeting with UN agencies, and participants will be given a chance to take part in interactive business networking with companies from all partner countries.

• Overview of the UN procurement system;
• Thematic workshops with experts from UN agencies on supply chains and public procurement procedures in ICT, logistics, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment;
• Presentation of good practices in companies already doing business with the UN;
• 1 to 1 meetings with procurement officers from selected UN agencies;
• Networking with companies from Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom;
• Panel discussions on topical issues, including innovation, sustainable development and COVID-19.

Discussion topics may change as the programme is still under preparation.

Participating companies are requested to register by due date at The United Nations Global Marketplace and confirm participation at event

26 April 2021. The number of participants is limited. Participation is free of charge.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Nataša Turk, T: +386 1 58 98 152, e-mail  
Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Copenhagen: Milena Stefanović Kajzer, T: +45 33 73 01 20, e-mail