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Slovenia in lockdown from 1 April to 11 April 2021

At today’s session, the Government adopted measures to contain the COVID-19 epidemic. Most of the measures will be in force from 1 April up to and including 11 April 2021.

Ordinance temporarily prohibiting gatherings of people in educational institutions and universities, and independent higher education institutions

The Government has issued the Ordinance temporarily prohibiting gatherings of people in educational institutions and universities, and independent higher education institutions, and will publish it in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

In order to contain and control the communicable disease COVID-19, the Ordinance temporarily prohibits gatherings of people in educational institutions, universities and independent higher education institutions.

Gatherings are prohibited in kindergartens, primary schools (except for adapted and special education programmes), music schools, secondary schools and higher vocational colleges, residence halls for secondary students (except for secondary school students and foreign university students prevented from returning to the place of residence due to the current security situation and unaccompanied minors who are applicants for international protection or have been granted international protection), adult education organisations, residence halls for tertiary students (except for students with permanent residence in a residence hall, student families, foreign students and visiting professors prevented from returning to the place of residence due to the current security situation), and at universities and independent higher education institution.

Exceptions to the prohibition of gatherings provided for by the Ordinance apply to employees of these institutions, individuals working in these institutions on other legal grounds (for example, work or copyright contracts), members of the institution's bodies, and to the implementation of urgent procedures related to continuing and completing education.

Gatherings in primary schools are allowed within adapted and special education programmes.

Emergency childcare is provided for children in kindergartens and pupils in grades 1–3 if both parents or a single parent are employed in critical infrastructure sectors, laid down in Article 4 of the Critical Infrastructure Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 75/17), and in educational institutions, social security institutions, the Slovenian Armed Forces, the Police, and professional fire-fighting units. Employment is determined on the basis of a certificate from the employer.

When performing their activities, the institutions must follow the guidelines for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection of the ministry responsible for health and the National Institute of Public Health.

The Government will examine the justification of the measures referred to in this Ordinance based on expert opinions.

The Ordinance shall enter into force on 1 April 2021 and will apply up to and including 11 April 2021.

Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

Ordinance on temporary restrictions on sports activities

The Government issued an Ordinance on temporary restrictions on sports activities and will publish it in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. In order to contain and control the COVID-19 communicable disease, the Ordinance temporarily restricts sports activities.

All sport and exercise, as well as sports training courses are prohibited. Trainings are only allowed for: 

  • top sports athletes (international, world- or Olympic-class), i.e. a total of 538 athletes who have demonstrated their excellence through their results at the international level and for whom the lack of training would prevent them from remaining competitive at the international level;
  • athletes in age groups cadets and juniors, registered in accordance with Article 32 of Sports Act (ZŠpo-1), who are members of national teams.

Sport and exercise outdoors are allowed within the region of residence for individuals, immediate family members or members of the same household, provided that appropriate distance is ensured.

In collective and individual sports, major international sports events may take place, such as European and world championships and world cups. Athletes allowed to compete may also participate in training courses.

Weekly testing is mandatory with the exemption of several cases that have been defined as exceptions.

All sports facilities and outdoor natural sports grounds, as laid down in the Sports Act, may be used for sports training courses and for sports competitions.

The Ordinance defines that both athletes and sports experts must observe the instructions of the ministry responsible for health and the National Institute of Public Health. The Government must examine the expert justification of the measures referred to in this Ordinance based on expert opinions.

The Ordinance shall enter into force on 1 April 2021 and will apply up to and including 11 April 2021.

Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

Movement restricted to regions and gatherings prohibited, exception on Easter Sunday

The Government issued the Ordinance on the temporary restriction of movement of people and on the prohibition of gathering of people to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and published it in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

The Ordinance shall enter into force on 1 April and will apply up to and including 11 April 2021.

Due to a deteriorating epidemiological situation in the Republic of Slovenia, the Ordinance reintroduces restrictions on movement i.e. restriction of movement between statistical regions and at night, and prohibition of gatherings of people.

Restriction of movement to regions

Movement between statistical regions will be temporarily restricted. 

Exceptions have been defined for cases in which movement between regions is permitted. Subject to the NIJZ recommendations, movement between regions is permitted in the following cases: 

  1. travel to and from work and the performance of work duties;
  2. the performance of business, agricultural and forestry activities;
  3. the elimination of immediate risks to health, life and property;
  4. the provision of care and assistance to persons in need of support, care of family members, or parental care or contact with one’s children;
  5. access to pharmacies, health and sanitary services, and health resort treatment;
  6. access to foreign diplomatic missions and consular posts;
  7. access to emergency services;
  8. access to the performance of tasks related to the operation of judicial, administrative and law enforcement authorities;
  9. access to services for persons with special needs;
  10. access to shops or services in another statistical region that are closer to the person's residence than the same shops and services in the region of residence or if there are no such shops or services in the region of residence.

These exceptions also apply to immediate family members and to members of the same household when travelling together.

Persons crossing a regional boundary must carry with them proof of the exception they are subject to and a signed and a legible statement. No statement is required for exceptions under points 1 and 3. Upon request, the individual must present the above-mentioned proof and statement to an official of the authority responsible for supervising the implementation of this decree, a police officer or a municipal warden.

The statement must contain the following data: 

  1. name and surname,
  2. address,
  3. address or place of destination,
  4. reason justifying their travel or stay,
  5. names of immediate family members or members of the same household travelling or staying with them,
  6. statement that they or their immediate family members or members of the same household travelling or staying with them have not been ordered to isolate or quarantine,
  7. statement that they are informed of their criminal liability and liability for damages arising from the violation of regulations, orders or measures for the containment or prevention of communicable diseases in humans,
  8. statement that they are informed of the restrictions imposed by this Ordinance and will respect them.

Subject to the NIJZ recommendations, movement between regions will also be permitted to individuals who submit: 

  • a negative PCR test result not older than 48 hours,
  • proof of COVID-19 vaccination demonstrating that at least 7 days have elapsed since the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, at least 14 days since the second dose of the Moderna vaccine, or 21 days since the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine,
  • a certificate of a positive PCR test result that is older than 21 days old but not older than six months, or
  • a medical certificate confirming that the person has recovered from COVID-19 and that more than six months have elapsed since the onset of symptoms.

Proof of testing is valid if issued in an EU Member State or a Schengen Area country. In these cases, people do not require a statement or other proof.

Travel between permanent and temporary residences is not permitted

A person is deemed to be a resident of a statistical region if they have a registered permanent or temporary residence in that region. If a person’s permanent and temporary residence are in different regions, they can decide to stay at either their permanent or temporary residence and are not permitted to move between the two.

Movement between regions permitted on Easter Sunday

From 5:00 to 22:00 on Sunday, 4 April 2021, people will be permitted to move between statistical regions without restrictions in order to visit private properties for gatherings of a maximum of six people from up to two households. The six-person restriction does not include people under the age of 15.

All other restrictions and prohibitions laid down in this Ordinance will continue to apply without changes.

Movement at night

Movement at night is restricted between 22:00 and 5:00 throughout the country.

Ban on gatherings

Gatherings are temporarily prohibited. Subject to the restrictions and prohibitions laid down in this Ordinance, gatherings are permitted only for groups of persons who are immediate family members or share the same household.

All events, gatherings, celebrations, weddings and religious ceremonies are temporarily prohibited. The Minister for Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities may permit marriages and civil unions.

Subject to the NIJZ recommendations, an individual, immediate family members or members of the same household may participate in sports and recreational activities that are performed outdoors or in open public spaces within their region of residence and where a safe distance to others can be maintained (e.g. jogging, cycling, golf, yoga, tennis, badminton and boules).

Source: The Ministry of the Interior

Tighter restrictions for entry into Slovenia

The Government issued the Ordinance amending the Ordinance determining the conditions of entry into the Republic of Slovenia to contain and control the COVID-19 communicable disease and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

The Ordinance will enter into force on 29 March and will apply up to and including 12 April 2021.

The Ordinance stipulates that it is no longer possible to cross the state border outside the checkpoints or terminate quarantine early, and sees the removal of some exceptions for crossing the border without a test (applicable remain the exceptions for transport, delivery, transit, diplomats and schoolchildren under the age of 13) and some exceptions for crossing the border with a test valid for seven days (applicable remain exceptions for daily commuting cross-border workers, schoolchildren above the age of 13 and the persons transporting them, and persons who own land on both sides of the state border). The PCR test is valid only if it was carried out in an EU Member State or a Schengen Area country.

The Ordinance introduces a new exception for persons crossing the border for urgent reasons (the elimination of an immediate risk to health or life).

Travel to countries or administrative units on the red list is prohibited for all, apart from persons who have recovered from COVID-19 or have been vaccinated and persons for which special exceptions apply.


The Republic of Slovenia can only be entered at checkpoints at the national borders with Hungary, Austria and Italy. The crossing of the state border outside these checkpoints is not allowed, except for persons who own land on both sides of the state border and cross the state border for the purpose of performing forestry or agricultural work. There are no changes in checkpoints and their working hours.

General exceptions from border crossing restrictions without having to quarantine

There are no changes in three exceptions from border crossing restrictions. The provision that persons coming from countries or administrative units of countries on the red list is sent to quarantine at home still remains in force, unless upon entering the Republic of Slovenia they submits the following: 

  1. a negative PCR test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 not older than 48 hours after taking the swab and performed in an EU Member State or a Schengen Area country,
  2. a certificate of a positive PCR test result for SARS-CoV-2, which is more than 21 days old but not more than six months old, or a medical certificate confirming that the person has recovered from COVID-19 and that more than six months have elapsed since the onset of symptoms or
  3. proof of a COVID-19 vaccination demonstrating that at least 7 days have elapsed since the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, at least 14 days since the second dose of the Moderna vaccine or 21 days since the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

PCR test certificates and medical certificates referred to in point 2 are taken into account if they have been issued in an EU Member State or a Schengen Area country.

General exceptions from border crossing restrictions without having to quarantine or testing

The following categories of persons arriving from a red-listed country or region may enter the Republic of Slovenia without being placed under home quarantine: 

  1. persons posted to carry out tasks in the international transport or returning from such tasks who prove this at the time of crossing the border by means of a Certificate for International Transport Workers from Annex 3 of the Communication from the Commission on the implementation of the Green Lanes under the Guidelines for border management measures to protect health and ensure the availability of goods and essential services (OJ C 24 March 2020, p. 1), or another appropriate document from which shows that these persons were posted by their employer;
  2. persons engaged in trade who carry out the transport of goods or persons into the Republic of Slovenia or carry out the transport of goods and passengers in transit and exit the Republic of Slovenia within eight hours of entry, and persons engaged in trade who carry out the transport of goods or persons from the Republic of Slovenia and return to the Republic of Slovenia within eight hours of exit;
  3. persons transiting the territory of Slovenia and exiting Slovenia within not more than six hours of entry;
  4. persons with diplomatic passports;
  5. persons under the age of 13 who daily or periodically cross the border for reasons of education, training or scientific research in the Republic of Slovenia or an EU Member State or a Schengen Area country and provide sufficient proof thereof.

Special exceptions from border crossing restrictions for persons with a seven-day negative PCR or rapid antigen test result

The following persons arriving to Slovenia from a red-listed country or region may enter the country without being placed under home quarantine, provided that they present a negative PCR or rapid antigen test result for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 not older than seven days after the swab was taken: 

  1. daily commuting cross-border workers who have an employment relationship in another EU Member State or Schengen Area country, of which they provide proof or a signed statement justifying the reason for crossing the border as a daily commuting cross-border worker, and who return within 14 hours of crossing the border;
  2. persons who have already turned 13 years of age and who daily or periodically cross the border for reasons of education, training or scientific research in the Republic of Slovenia or an EU Member State or a Schengen Area country and provide sufficient proof thereof;
  3. persons who transport persons referred to in point 5 of the preceding paragraph or persons referred to the preceding point and who return to Slovenia immediately after the transport has been carried out;
  4. persons who own or lease land in the border area or on both sides of the state border and cross the state border with a neighbouring country for the purpose of carrying out agricultural and forestry work and return to Slovenia within eight hours of crossing the border. These persons may cross the border outside the checkpoints;
  5. persons crossing the border for urgent reasons related to the elimination of an imminent risk to health or life.

A negative PCR or rapid antigen test must be administered in an EU Member State or a Schengen Area country.

Travel ban to red-listed countries

Travel to red-listed countries or administrative units of countries is prohibited, except for exceptions. There are two general exceptions from this ban (persons who have recovered from COVID-19 or have been vaccinated) and all special exceptions. Schoolchildren and persons transporting them cannot claim an exception if the school is closed or if schooling is not provided.

Upon exiting the country, these persons must submit the same proof as required by this Ordinance upon entering the country.

Referral to quarantine at the border

The ten-day quarantine cannot be terminated early.

Red list of countries

There are changes to the red list of countries in the case of Finland and Spain. There are no changes the red-listed third countries.

EU Member States and Schengen Area countries:

  • Andorra
  • Austria: All administrative units, except the administrative unit of Vorarlberg
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark (only individual administrative units): administrative units of Hovedstaden, Sjælland and Syddanmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland (only individual administrative units): administrative units of Uusimaa and South Finland
  • The French Republic: All administrative units of mainland France and all overseas territories except the overseas territory of French Guyana
  • Greece
  • Croatia
  • Ireland (only individual administrative units): East and Central regions
  • Italy (only certain administrative units): all administrative units except Sardinia
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Hungary
  • Malta
  • Monaco
  • Germany
  • The Netherlands
  • Norway (only individual administrative units): Oslo, Rogaland, Vestfold og Telemark and Viken
  • Poland
  • Portuguese Republic (only individual administrative units): Autonomous Region of Madeira
  • Romania
  • San Marino
  • The Slovak Republic
  • Spain (only certain administrative units): all administrative units except the administrative units of Catalonia, Extremadura, Galicia, Balearic Islands, Murcia and Valencia
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • The Vatican

Source: The Ministry of the Interior

The Ordinance temporarily prohibiting the offering and sale of goods and services to consumers in the Republic of Slovenia

In order to limit the movement of people and contain and control the COVID-19 epidemic, the Government issued a new Ordinance temporarily prohibiting the offering and sale of goods and services to consumers in the Republic of Slovenia, with effect from 1 to 11 April 2021 inclusive.

In all regions, the following activities offering and selling goods and services to consumers shall be allowed:    

  1. pharmacies,
  2. gas stations,
  3. financial services,
  4. mail service,
  5. delivery services,
  6. chimney sweeping services, provided that only one service provider is present on the premises where these services are carried out, or if this is not possible, the service provider and one person who is the user of a small combustion unit may be present on the premises; the provision of chimney sweeping services is not permitted for small combustion units installed on premises that cannot be aired out after the service has been provided,
  7. service workshops in which repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and bicycles are provided (car tyre services, car mechanic, car painting or bodywork workshops, bicycle repair workshops),
  8. construction works in or on uninhabited construction sites, houses or apartments, provided that it is ensured that there is no consumer contact, and outdoor services provided that it is ensured that there is no consumer contact (e.g. external arrangements, roofing, facade works),
  9. personal collection of goods or food at pick-up points, including the sale of agricultural products on farms where minimum consumer contact is ensured, between 5 a.m. and 22 p.m., whereby the consumption of the collected food and beverage in public areas is not permitted,
  10. other emergency health and safety services.

These activities may be carried out without the condition of testing the employees.  It is also permitted to offer and sell goods and services at a distance to consumers, as regulated by the act governing consumer protection. The activities of preparing food and beverage in the case of delivery and the activities of preparing and serving food and beverage in establishments that carry out catering activities for their employees or persons in care shall be permitted without a time limit, but it is necessary to ensure minimum contact between the users of these services and observe all the hygiene recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Public Health (hereinafter: NIJZ). 

In all regions, the following activities offering and selling goods and services shall be permitted, provided that the employees are tested once a week:    

  1. stores that mostly sell groceries, personal care and cleaning products, excluding the sale of clothing and footwear in these stores as exceptions;
  2. stores selling medical and orthopaedic aids,
  3. gardening centres, nurseries, florists and garden and agriculture supplies in stores,
  4. agricultural stores,
  5. markets, excluding the sale of clothing and footwear at the markets as exceptions,
  6. shops offering technical goods,
  7. newsstands and kiosks for the sale of newspapers and magazines,
  8. individual non-medical counselling and therapeutic services.

All forms of offering and selling of goods and services to consumers, listed as exceptions in other ordinances adopted by the Government in order to contain and control the COVID-19 epidemic, shall also be permitted.

In all statistical regions, when offering and selling goods and services, it is necessary to comply with or ensure: 

  • minimum possible contact with consumers in accordance with the instructions received from the NIJZ,
  • regular airing out or adequately ventilating the premises in which the activities of offering and selling goods and services to consumers are carried out; and
  • the provision of hand disinfection dispensers for consumers at entry and exit points of the premises where the activities of offering and selling goods and services to consumers are carried out;
  • all the hygiene recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the NIJZ for SARS-CoV-2 infection prevention, which are published on the websites of the Ministry and the NIJZ.

The number of persons in enclosed public places where the activities of offering and selling goods and services to consumers are carried out shall be limited to 30 m² per individual customer, or to one customer if the business premises have an area of less than 30 m². In the event of an open market, the activities of offering and selling goods and services to consumers shall be limited to 10 m² per customer.

It is the responsibility of employers to provide their employees with protective equipment and ensure compliance with the conditions or recommendations, and the provider of goods and services must ensure that the permitted number of customers in the premises is duly observed.

Shopping centres shall have to: 

  • provide 30 m² per customer throughout the shopping centre, while taking into account the third paragraph of the preceding article for each shop within the shopping centre,
  • have a separate entrance and exit for customers.

The manager of the shopping centre or the responsible person of each shop within the shopping centre must ensure that the above conditions are duly complied with.

Source: Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

Government issued the Ordinance on restrictions and the manner of conducting public passenger transport in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia

The Ordinance on restrictions and the manner of conducting public passenger transport in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia temporarily restricts the operation of public passenger transport in the Republic of Slovenia in order to contain and control the COVID-19 epidemic, and prohibits the transport of passengers by sea and inland waters, and the operation of cableway installations and associated ski slopes. The Ordinance on restrictions and the manner of conducting public passenger transport in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia in order to contain and control the COVID-19 epidemic determines the manner of conducting public passenger transport in the Republic of Slovenia.

Regular public passenger transport services in interurban and urban bus passenger transport, public rail passenger transport in domestic traffic, permanent non-scheduled passenger transport services, occasional passenger transport and taxi services may only be performed in accordance with the recommendations of the National Institute of Public Health.

The use of a face mask is mandatory for the driver and passengers in: 

  • public scheduled services, special regular services, regular non-scheduled services and occasional passenger services, with the number of passengers limited to the number of registered seats less the seats to the right of the driver and the row of seats directly behind the driver for public scheduled intercity services, special scheduled and occasional passenger services operated by category M2 and M3 vehicles, and
  • special scheduled services, regular non-scheduled passenger services and occasional passenger services operated by category M1 vehicles with a maximum of eight seats for passengers, up to a maximum of six seats occupied.

Taxi services are allowed only on condition that a taxi driver ensures proper disinfection of the vehicle and the use of face masks, as well as weekly tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 using a PCR or rapid antigen test. Taxi drivers are allowed to provide their services only if they have a negative test result. Proof of testing is valid if it is administered in an EU Member State or Schengen Area country., or by organisations or individuals in third countries recognised as appropriate by the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology and the NLZOH and published on the NLZOH website. Mandatory weekly testing is also introduced for public passenger transport drivers and accompanying rail staff.

Taxi services may also be provided by taxi drivers who have proof that they have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and that at least 7 days have elapsed since the second dose in the case of vaccination with the Pfizer vaccine, at least 14 days in the case of the Moderna vaccine and at least 21 days after receiving the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Exempt from testing are taxi drivers who have already recovered from COVID-19 and submit a certificate of a positive PCR or rapid antigen test result which is more than 21 days old but not more than six months or a medical certificate confirming that the person has recovered from COVID-19 and that more than six months have elapsed since the onset of symptoms. The same exemption applies to public passenger transport drivers and accompanying rail staff.

The Ordinance shall enter into force on 1 April 2021 and will apply up to and including 11 April 2021.

Source: Ministry of Infrastructure

The Government issued an Ordinance on the temporary prohibition of offering and selling goods and services directly to consumers in the field of drivers and vehicles in the Republic of Slovenia

The Ordinance on the temporary prohibition of offering and selling goods and services directly to consumers in the field of drivers and vehicles in the Republic of Slovenia temporarily prohibits the performance of activities in order to contain and control the COVID-19 epidemic.


companies, public and private educational institutions, other private-law legal entities and sole traders are temporarily prohibited from providing:

  • training for driving school candidates for motor vehicles;

legal entities and sole traders are temporarily prohibited from providing:

  • roadworthiness test services and services of professional organisations and authorised registration organisations in the field of motor vehicles;
  • programmes for additional training of novice drivers;
  • programmes for additional safe driving training;
  • training and additional training programmes for novice drivers and for safe driving;

authorised organisations are temporarily prohibited from carrying out:

  • procedures and tasks in tachograph workshops;
  • regular and interim inspections of tank trucks and inspections of vehicles for the issuance of ADR certificates for dangerous goods vehicles;
  • initial and refresher training for drivers of dangerous goods vehicles;
  • training and exams for basic qualifications for land motor vehicle drivers;
  • regular training to extend the validity of basic qualifications;
  • exams for obtaining a certificate of professional competence of a transport manager;
  • basic professional training and qualification testing of persons accompanying special freight transport;
  • basic professional training and exams for candidates for toll inspectors and periodic professional training of toll inspectors;

the Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency is temporarily prohibited from providing:

  • training and additional training of driving instructors, instructors of regulations and managers of driving schools;
  • training for a driving test and additional training of driving examiners;
  • basic and periodic professional training and qualification testing of road safety assessors;
  • training and psychosocial workshops;
  • prevention programmes, campaigns and actions for road safety in public places; and
  • driving tests.

It is also stipulated that:

  • the validity of driving licenses that expire in the period from the entry into force of this Ordinance to 11 April 2021 due to the temporary prohibition referred to in Article 1 of this Ordinance is extended until 9 May 2021;
  • the validity of vehicle registration certificates, including motor vehicle insurance, and the validity of certificates of regular and interim inspections of tank trucks and ADR certificates for dangerous goods vehicles that expire in the period from maximum 30 days prior to the entry into force of this Ordinance to 11 April 2021 is extended until 9 May 2021.

The retroactive validity of the period taken into account when extending the validity of vehicle registration certificates is determined pursuant to the provision of point 5 of paragraph two of Article 39 of the Motor Vehicles Act, which stipulates that a vehicle for which the vehicle registration certificate expired more than 30 days ago must be deregistered. In accordance with the above provision, a vehicle owner has 30 days after the expiry of the validity of the vehicle registration certificate to extend the validity of the vehicle registration certificate for their vehicle. The same applies to motor vehicle insurance coverage.

The Ordinance stipulates that the annual charge is chargeable from the date of expiration indicated on the vehicle registration certificate onwards despite the extended validity of vehicle registration certificates under the Ordinance. In the event that the annual charge is not charged because the vehicle registration certificate is not extended (for example, deregistration of a vehicle after the end of the period of the certificate’s validity extended under the Ordinance), the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency calculates the amount of the annual charge on the basis of data obtained from the record of registered vehicles.  If the annual charge is not paid or is not paid in full, the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency files an enforcement request with the competent tax enforcement authority.

With the entry into force of this Ordinance, the Ordinance on restrictions and method of offering and selling goods and services directly to consumers in the field of drivers and vehicles in the Republic of Slovenia ceases to apply.

This Ordinance will be in force from 1 April 2021 to 11 April 2021.

Source: Ministry of Infrastructure

The Government issues the Ordinance on the temporary suspension of professional competence examinations required for the operation of energy installations in the Republic of Slovenia.

The Ordinance is issued as part of measures for preventing the spread of the new coronavirus. Under the Ordinance, the Examination Commission is temporarily prohibited from conducting the first and periodical tests of the knowledge of workers wanting to operate energy installations.

With the entry into force of this Ordinance, the Ordinance on the temporary suspension of professional competence examinations required for the operation of energy installations ceases to apply.

This Ordinance will be in force from 1 April 2021 to 11 April 2021.

Source: Ministry of Infrastructure

Government issues the Ordinance banning flights of general aviation aircraft to or from public airports and runways

In order to contain the spread of the third wave of SARS-CoV-2 virus and the related impact on the protection of public health, the Government decided that it was necessary to adopt the Ordinance banning the flights of general aviation aircraft to or from public airports and runways in the Republic of Slovenia, with a view to preventing the further spread of the communicable disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the Republic of Slovenia.

The Ordinance prohibits the flights of general aviation aircraft from landing at and departing from public airports and runways in the Republic of Slovenia.

The flights of general aviation aircraft are prohibited from landing in and departing from public airports and runway sites, which, however, does not apply to the flights of aircraft engaged in the scheduled international, national, domestic and specific air transport of passengers, goods and/or mail. The prohibition does also not apply to the flights of state aircraft or to the aircraft carrying out special operations referred to in Article 4 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 of 26 September 2012 laying down the common rules of the air and operational provisions regarding services and procedures in air navigation, with all subsequent amendments.

The Ordinance is without prejudice to the flights of state aircraft (e.g. Police, army, emergency medical assistance).

It will enter into force on 1 April 2021 and will apply until 11 April 2021.

Source: Ministry of Infrastructure

Government issues the Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the mandatory installation of hand disinfectants in multi-apartment buildings

The amending Ordinance extends the validity of the Ordinance on the mandatory installation of hand disinfectants in multi-apartment buildings. In Article 5 of the Ordinance, the words "2 April 2021" shall be replaced by the words "11 April 2021".

Source: Ministry of Health

Government issues the Ordinance amending the Ordinance on temporary measures to reduce the risk of infection and spread of the SARS-CoV-2 infection

The amending Ordinance extends the validity of the Ordinance on temporary measures to reduce the risk of infection and spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection and reinstates the obligation to wear a face mask in open public places or outside, except during individual sporting activities on green areas under certain conditions.

Source: Ministry of Health

Government adopts decisions regarding the performance of urgent tasks in the state administration authorities 

In order to contain the spread of the third wave of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Government instructs the heads of state administration authorities that, by taking into account the type and nature of the authority’s tasks in the period between 1 April 2021 and 11 April 2021 inclusive, they are to ensure that not more than 20 per cent of public sector employees are present in workplaces. 

The Government also recommends that public sector employees whose work process does not allow the performance of work duties from home should benefit from annual leave or the overtime hours. Public sector employees who will not take their annual leave or any other justified absence during the aforementioned period will be temporarily laid-off with the right to salary compensation as laid down by law.

The Government instructs the ministries to make this decision known to public sector employers that are within their competence and to recommend them to apply the same regime within the scope that their work process allows.  

The Employment Relationships Act stipulates that in cases of natural or other disasters, when such are expected, or in other exceptional circumstances when human life and health or the employer’s assets are at risk, the type of or place of carrying out the work defined in the employment contract may temporarily be changed even without the worker’s consent, though only while such circumstances pertain. 

The current epidemiological situation to contain the spread of COVID-19 dictates the application of this Article and of other measures proposed in the decision, taking into account the nature and type of the tasks of the state administration authorities.

In view of the above, the proposed decision imposes on the heads of state administration authorities to ensure that in the period from 1 April 2021 to 11 April 2021 inclusive not more than 20 per cent of public sector employees be present in workplaces, while the remaining staff be ordered to work from home if the type of duties allows such an arrangement; otherwise public sector employees are to take their annual leave or benefit from overtime hours.  Public sector employees who will not take their annual leave or any other justified absence during the aforementioned period will be temporarily laid-off by employers or heads of authorities, but will retain the right to salary compensation as laid down by law.

Taking into account the current epidemiological situation, the Government recommends that public sector employers should apply the same regime.

Source: Ministry of Public Administration

Ordinance temporarily prohibiting the provision of cultural and cinematographic services

The Government has adopted the Ordinance temporarily prohibiting the provision of cultural and cinematographic services to end-users in the Republic of Slovenia. In order to restrict the movement of the population, and to contain and control the COVID-19 epidemic, this Ordinance temporarily prohibits the provision of cultural and cinematographic services directly to end-users in the Republic of Slovenia.

The Ordinance will enter into force on 1 April 2021 and will apply until 11 April 2021 inclusive.

Ordinance temporary prohibiting the collective exercise of freedom of religion in the Republic of Slovenia

In order to restrict the movement of the population, and to contain and control the COVID-19 epidemic, the Government has today also adopted the Ordinance temporarily prohibiting the collective exercise of religious freedom in the Republic of Slovenia. The adopted Ordinance temporarily prohibits the collective exercise of freedom of religion in the Republic of Slovenia.

The Ordinance will enter into force on 1 April 2021 and will apply until 11 April 2021 inclusive.