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Minister Logar attends international Raisina Dialogue conference

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar today attended the international Raisina Dialogue conference. Organised by the Observer Research Foundation and the Indian External Affairs Ministry, it is one of the leading global platforms aimed at in‑depth geopolitical and geoeconomic discussions.
minister at his desk with computer and participants on screen

Minister Logar at the Raisina Dialogue conference | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

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At the video conference held between 13 and 15 April, Minister Logar was invited to speak at the panel entitled Reclaiming Europe: Navigating the Political Compass. He was joined by two other European foreign ministers, Augustos Santos Silva from Portugal and Bogdan Aurescu from Romania, and the director of the Belgrade-based European Policy Centre, Milena Lazarević. 

In his speech, Minister Logar underlined the importance of enhancing cooperation between the European Union and the United States of America in a changed international and security environment. When asked about the EU‑China relationship, he highlighted the unbalanced economic exchange between Slovenia and China, noting that China’s recently imposed sanctions against EU citizens were a disappointing decision that might shape the European discussions on the China-EU investment agreement. The Minister went on to underline the role of India, as the world’s largest democracy, in the Indo‑Pacific region and called for a strong strategic partnership between the EU and India. He also drew attention to the Port of Koper, which could be considered an important junction providing transport and economic connections between India and Europe.

The Raisina Dialogue conference is designed as a cross-sectoral discussion bringing together heads of state and government, and foreign and defence ministers as well as members of parliament, university professors, businesspeople and members of the professional public. The theme for this year’s edition of the conference is #ViralWorld: Outbreaks, Outliers and Out of Control.