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Bilateral consultations of directors-general for EU affairs of Slovenia and Estonia

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Today, Director-General for EU Affairs Barbara Sušnik held bilateral consultations with Marika Linntam, Director-General for European Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia. They discussed bilateral relations and the priorities of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency in the second half of this year as well as current EU issues.
Director general is sitting in front of computer

Director-General Barbara Sušnik | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

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Directors-General Sušnik and Linntam considered the bilateral relations between the two countries very positive and were delighted to see them becoming even stronger. Slovenia and Estonia hold similar views on a number of important issues, both within the EU and in the context of international organisations.

Director-General Sušnik presented the priorities of Slovenia's Presidency, including the strengthening of the EU's resilience to various crises, the Union’s economic recovery based on the digital and green transition, and the strengthening of the rule of law and the European way of life. As regards foreign affairs, Slovenia will strive towards improving the EU perspective for the Western Balkan countries as well as consolidating transatlantic relations. In addition, the Conference of the Future of Europe is also considered one of the priorities of Slovenia's EU Presidency.­ Director General Linntam endorsed the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency and gave assurances of Estonia's full support. 

The two also shared information on the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic in both countries as well as on the measures taken to contain it. They agreed that further close cooperation at the EU level is vital in reducing COVID-19 transmission and in facilitating the bloc’s economic recovery.