Prime Minister Janez Janša attends ceremony on the 31st anniversary of the MSNP
- Former Prime Minister Janez Janša (2020 - 2022)

A ceremony marking the 31st anniversary of the Manoeuvre Structure of National Protection | Author Kabinet predsednika vlade
Both Minister Aleš Hojs and the keynote speaker Igor Bavčar noted in their addresses that the Manoeuvre Structure of National Protection (MSNP) had been created as a response to the disarmament of the Territorial Defence. Today’s ceremony thus marked the formation of the MSNP, which was of key importance for protecting the process of Slovenia’s independence and establishing the nation's own armed forces.
As part of the ceremony, Interior Minister Aleš Hojs awarded a commemorative handgun to Mister Franci Kosi, who after the disarmament of the Territorial Defence made every possible effort to secure arms for the defence of the homeland. On the occasion, Minister Hojs thanked him for everything that he had done for the process of Slovenia's independence.