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Director-General for European Union Affairs Barbara Sušnik holds consultations with Cyprus

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Before the launch of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Director-General Barbara Sušnik held bilateral consultations with the Secretary General for European Union Affairs at the Cypriot Foreign Ministry, Philippa Karsera, via an audio-video link.
screen with participants

Participants of the audio-video conference | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

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Director-General Sušnik outlined Slovenia’s priorities, with particular emphasis on COVID-19 measures and the post-pandemic economic recovery, as well as efforts to enhance the resilience and strategic autonomy of the Union. The success of the Conference on the Future of Europe, the strengthening of the rule of law and the promotion of the European way of life will also be among the priorities. In the realm of foreign policy, strengthening the European perspective of the Western Balkans, a credible EU enlargement policy and the strengthening of transatlantic relations will be in the foreground.

Secretary General for European Union Affairs Karsera expressed support for Slovenia’s priorities and went on to assure good cooperation between Cyprus and the country holding the Presidency, as the two countries traditionally share similar views and positions on key issues of the Union. 

The two interlocutors expressed their satisfaction with the fact that the already positive bilateral relations have been further strengthened, with particular focus on the enhanced exchange of visits at the highest levels.