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Secretary of State Aleš Irgolič at Informal Videoconference of Fisheries

Secretary of State, Mr Aleš Irgolič, MSc, participated in the Informal Videoconference of Fisheries Ministers. The session was important as the ministers competent for fisheries conducted the discussion and confirmed the final agreement in principle on fishing possibilities in 2021, and on the deep sea fish stocks for 2021 and 2022, which had most recently been reached between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom.
Secretary of State Aleš Irgolič in a dres sitting in front of a computer watching the meeting

Secretary of State Aleš Irgolič | Author MKGP

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As a preliminary point, the European Commission (EC), having represented the Union in consultations with the United Kingdom, reported on the progress made in the bilateral consultations between the EU and the United Kingdom on fishing possibilities for 2021, and on the deep sea fish stocks for 2021 and 2022. Namely, in the beginning of the month, following several rounds of consultations in this half of the year, an agreement in principle at political level was reached. The agreement still needs to be formally confirmed within the Council of the European Union and, to this end, the Informal Videoconference of Fisheries Ministers had been organised, to facilitate the discussion, and/or confirmation of the agreement in the form of a draft written protocol.