State Secretary Dovžan holds talks with Czech State Secretary
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Permanent Representation to the European Union Brussels
State Secretary Dovžan briefed his counterpart on the priorities of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency beginning in two weeks. He stressed the importance of a speedy recovery of the European economy, resilience to future crises and strategic autonomy. He underlined the Conference on the Future of Europe, where Slovenia will play an important role as the EU presiding country. He added that Slovenia would pay a lot of attention to preserving the European way of life, respect for the rule of law, and equal criteria for all.
The State Secretaries agreed on the need to further strengthen transatlantic relations and pursue a credible EU neighbourhood policy while advocating a European perspective for the Western Balkan countries.
State Secretary Hrdinková welcomed the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency and assured State Secretary Dovžan that Slovenia can count on Czechia's full support.