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State Secretary Dovžan attends the handover of the Council Presidency

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
On the eve of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, State Secretary Gašper Dovžan took part in a meeting of the co-chairs of the Conference on the Future of Europe. He will co-chair the Executive Board of the Conference on the Future of Europe during the Slovenian Presidency.
sitting at a table, flags behind

State Secretary Dovžan and his colleagues during the meeting | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

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The representatives of the three European institutions co-chairing the Conference’s Executive Board, Dubravka Šuica (European Commission), Guy Verhofstadt (European Parliament) and Ana Paula Zacarias (Portuguese Presidency) discussed some of the open issues related to the Conference. State Secretary Dovžan thanked his predecessor Zacarias for the work done so far by the Portuguese Presidency in connection with the Conference.

The Conference officially started on Europe Day on 9 May this year. The first pan-European round table and Plenary took place during the Portuguese Presidency, while discussions will take place at four civic panels and two plenary sessions during Slovenian Presidency. The Conference is due to end in spring 2022.

It is an opportunity for European citizens to describe the kind of Europe they want to live in in the future. The Conference consists of several events. In addition to national round tables of citizens, pan-European Citizens’ Round Tables will be held. With their input, the EU citizens will be able to contribute to the final report of the Conference. The EU heads of state will then be informed of the conclusions and will explore the possibilities for the future functioning of the Union.

Slovenia has been actively encouraging citizens and civil society to organise events related to the Conference. The meeting point of all discussions is the digital platform of the Conference, where all EU citizens are welcome to record national events on the future of Europe and make recommendations to the Conference Plenaries. Information on how to participate in the Conference is available on the website of the Conference on the Future of Europe.