Hojs: Legal pathways and resettlement are important elements of comprehensive migration management in the EU
Minister Hojs addressed the Forum participants on behalf of the Slovenian presidency. “Legal pathways and resettlement are important elements of the comprehensive migration management in the EU for they promote safe and legal ways to the EU, prevent dangerous irregular journeys and provide protection to those who really need it.” He pointed out that resettlement represents an important element of solidarity with third countries that host large numbers of migrants fleeing from war or persecution.
Resettlement activities have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Minister, even though the need for resettlement still remains, efforts to enable legal pathways to the EU should be intensified. Within a legislation package on migration management and asylum, a proposal on the Union Resettlement Framework Regulation is under consideration. The proposal establishes a framework for providing protection to people who are truly in need of protection, prevents incentives for irregular migration and eases the burden on the first countries of asylum. The Slovenian presidency sees this proposal as one of the files that could be agreed outside of the package as it is not closely related to the most crucial issues of the Pact and does not prejudice any solutions under the Pact. This step would highlight the importance of resettlement as a legal migration channel to the EU. “The adoption of the Regulation would definitely bring added value to migration management,” the Minister said.
Resettlement means permanent relocation of persons (third-country nationals) who are in need of international protection from a third country to an EU member state, where they are granted international protection. It is one of three durable solutions, alongside refugee status or local integration and voluntary return. In addition to affording protection to those who are in need of protection, resettlement is a demonstration of solidarity with third countries in managing large numbers of people fleeing wars or persecution. Resettlement is part of a comprehensive approach to migration intended to promote legal pathways to the EU on the one hand and reduce incentives for irregular migration and risks of smuggling and human trafficking on the other.