Minister Tonin discusses enhanced resilience to ensure cyber security
In addition to the Minister of Defence, the EU cyber security panel discussion was also attended by the Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton; Executive Director of the EU Agency for Cyber Security, Juhan Lepassaar, and Director of the Information Security Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Uroš Svete.
With accelerated digitalization, cyber security has become one of the most important security components in the world. Cyber threats are becoming more and more problematic, appearing in increasingly sophisticated forms, and causing increased damage.
Minister Tonin emphasized that the importance of today's event laid in the fact that it addressed one of the key priorities of the Slovenian Presidency - resilience. »With the slogan Together. Resilient. Europe. we emphasize the importance of working together towards common goals. This is especially important in the field of cyber security, « said Tonin. The Minister also recalled the experience of the epidemic, which reminded us of our interdependence, the need for coordinated action and response, and solidarity. "The incorporation of such lessons is essential in developing effective solutions to protect critical infrastructure," said Minister Tonin.
»Slovenia welcomes the new cyber security directive proposals, which form an important part of the EU resilience package," he continued. The Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems (NIS 2) and the Directive on the Resilience of Critical Entities (CER) address the risks associated with cyber security and provide a single framework for addressing the resilience of critical entities and the response of all Member States.
Civil-military cooperation is essential in providing cyber defence. "It brings along numerous challenges, including those related to recruitment," said Minister Matej Tonin, who also expressed his expectation that further development of education, training and exercises at both EU and national levels will facilitate the recruitment and retention of such experts. Moreover, inter-ministerial coordination and continuous improvements in the cyber security system are essential to improve the cyber security system. "At the Ministry of Defence, we are pursuing these goals through the establishment of a new body which will ensure more efficient cyber security management and exchange of information with the relevant authorities," added Tonin.

Minister of Defence Mag. Matej Tonin addressed Chairpersons of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union | Author Monika Sušanj