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87th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

At today's meeting, the Government extended the validity of most ordinances related to COVID-19, requiring organisers of events, gatherings and sports competitions, providers of services and goods in the field of drivers and vehicles in Slovenia, and cableway operators and associated ski slopes to verify whether participants meet the recovered/vaccinated/tested rule. Cross-border migrant workers residing within 10 kilometres of the border with a neighbouring country were added to the exceptions for entering Slovenia without going into quarantine and without meeting the recovered/vaccinated/tested rule. The Government also founded the Government Office for Digital Transformation.

The Government issued the Ordinance amending the Ordinance determining the conditions of entry into the Republic of Slovenia to contain and control the COVID-19 infectious disease, which enters into force on 23 July 2021 and remains effective up to and including 1 August 2021. The existing requirements for entering Slovenia remain unchanged. However, the exceptions for entering Slovenia without having to home quarantine and without meeting the recovered/vaccinated/tested rule have been expanded to include cross-border migrant workers who are employed in an EU Member State or a Schengen Area country and residing within 10 kilometres aerial distance from the common border of Slovenia and a neighbouring country, and who return within five days of crossing the border. This is a temporary exemption, which is expected to be in force until 15 August 2021 or 1 September 2021 at the latest.

The Government also issued the Ordinance amending the Ordinance on temporary restriction on the collective exercise of religious freedom. Persons meeting the recovered/vaccinated/tested rule are now also exempt from the requirement to keep a one-metre distance between the participants of a collective exercise of religious freedom. Up to now, the exemption has only applied to persons from the same household.

The Government adopted the Ordinance on the establishment and competences of the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Digital Transformation. The Digital Transformation Office monitors and analyses the process of digital transformation at the state level and in individual regions, draws up strategic national documents and policies related to digital transformation, and coordinates and monitors their implementation. Other tasks include preparing and coordinating the measures of institutions at the national level related to the digital transformation policy, as well as monitoring and coordinating their implementation, and preparing and implementing key national projects in accordance with the national digitalisation strategy to improve digital indicators. The office also prepares, leads and implements its own projects within the digital transformation policy, which are financed from the government budget and EU funds.