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Prime Minister Janez Janša attends the ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of Hidria: Slovenian automotive industry is one of the most vital sectors of the Slovenian economy

  • Former Prime Minister Janez Janša (2020 - 2022)
As part of the Government visit to the Goriška region, Prime Minister Janez Janša today visited Hidria and attended an event marking the 50th anniversary of the company. Together with dr. Iztok Seljak, the Executive Director of Hidria, he laid the foundation stone for a new high-tech centre for the development and manufacture of key components for electric motors for electric and hybrid vehicles of the future. The centre is expected to be up and running in mid-2023.

Prime Minister Janez Janša at the Hidria 50th anniversary ceremony | Author KPV

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In his speech at the event, the Prime Minister spoke about the importance of Hidria in the Slovenian environment. "When visiting the Goriška region, the Government delegation has always made a stop at Hidria, to find out about their ambitious plans. And on the next visit, we have always seen their plans come to fruition and that future plans are even more ambitious." The Prime Minister continued his speech by stressing the importance of the Slovenian automotive industry, which is one of the most vital sectors of the Slovenian economy. He said that the automotive industry accounts for a large share of Slovenia's exports. Hidria car components are integrated into one third of all cars driven in Europe. In his opinion, the European automotive industry and the mobility sector would be non-existent without products created by Slovenians in the Slovenian automotive cluster. "Congratulations on these achievements, on the ambitious plans, and on the new project for which the foundation stone will be laid today. I am convinced that a large part of not only Slovenia's, but also Europe's modern future will be created here, in the years and decades to come," the Prime Minister said.  He also drew attention to the slogan of the new project "GREMO" (GREen MObility), which he assessed as sound, adding that every good thing deserves a good name. 

The Prime Minister also thanked the Mayor of the Municipality of Idrija, Tomaž Vencl, as the municipality has an extremely high vaccination rate. "In the future, I would like all Slovenian municipalities to have at least the same vaccination rate of over 50 percent as Idrija and Vipava have in this region. Vaccination is the only way to avoid new complications and disruptions to our normal way of life and functioning," the Prime Minister said. He added that the Government was determined to keep the economy and society running. He urged all present to do everything in their power to increase the population's vaccination rate and to stop the epidemic more quickly. "We will overcome this crisis too. Last year we proved that we can," Mr Janša said and added that he was convinced that those who would be celebrating the 100th anniversary of Hidria in 50 years' time would remember this event and would know "what you in the cluster of Slovenian automotive industry have conceived today under the motto 'GREen MObility'." The Prime Minister concluded his speech by expressing his wish that Hidria's successful business performance would continue in the future.

In a statement to the press following a meeting with Hidria’s leadership that took place after the ceremony, the Prime Minister said that Slovenia would support Hidria’s projects. "The Recovery and Resilience Fund is intended for this very purpose. We have also agreed to hold a meeting in October with the company's management involving key ministers and the Slovenian automotive cluster to specify the parameters," the Prime Minister said. "The future of Slovenia's faster development lies in these kinds of investment. Electric mobility is a given. Hidria has realised this in time and is ready for it," he said. On vaccination rates and on curbing the epidemic, the Prime Minister replied that at present Slovenia has a supply of different vaccines to choose from. "The only known method to stop the epidemic is vaccination and that is the whole secret," the Prime Minister said. He added that "if Slovenians are the only ones in Europe who are unable to take advantage of this opportunity, then we will probably also be the only ones whose healthcare system collapses." "It's a simple logic and something that is clear to all of us. It is in the common interest of the Government, the Opposition, the media and every individual to achieve a vaccination rate that does not jeopardise normal life and the capacity of the healthcare system," the Prime Minister said.

Regarding the interpellation of two ministers, Prime Minister Janša said that "if we look at the timeline, we can see that the next regular elections to the National Assembly are seven months away. It is unusual to remove ministers from the Government just before the end of its term of office." the Prime Minister said. He added that "we see the tabling of interpellations as a substitute for the opposition's inability to agree on a cooperation agreement, which they discussed a lot. Now it is clear that they cannot even agree on how to oppose together," the Prime Minister said. He concluded that he did not know whether anyone would imagine that such people would be able to write a coalition agreement on something positive. "Their main achievement is to agree on an interpellation," Prime Minister Janez Janša said.

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