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High representatives of EU ministries of defence, defence staffs and military education and training institutions reach consensus on the Qualification Framework for Military Offices ProfessionDodaj Novica

On Wednesday, 15 September 2021, over fifty senior representatives of EU ministries of defence, general staffs and education institutions attended the high-level Sectoral Qualification Framework for Military Officer Profession (SQF-MILOF). The conference was conducted as a hybrid event at the Permanent Representation of Slovenia to the EU following the covid-19-related protocol. Some participants attended the conference vie teleconferencing.

The conference was organised under the auspices of Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU in cooperation with European Security and Defence College (ESDC). Its aim was to present the SQF-MILOF and its implementation in human-resource management and officer training in EU member states, and to generate a discussion on the interoperability of armed forces in EU member states in the field of military officer competences. Conference participants had an opportunity for debate on and exchange of experiences in the implementation of the adopted Qualification Framework. They managed to reach strong consensus on the implementation of the adopted Qualification Framework for Military Offices Profession in EU member states and its transformation into officer training programmes at all levels.

From the Slovenian Armed Forces Military Schools Centre (MSC), the conference was attended by MSC Commandant Brigadier General Peter Zakrajšek, who also presided over the conference, Colonel Igor Cebek, PhD, Senior Military Specialist, Class XIV Vinko Vegič, PhD (who moderated one of the panel discussions), and Lieutenant Colonel Drago Navršnik.

At the end of the conference, Brigadier General Zakrajšek expresed special appreciation to the Permanent Representation of Slovenia to the EU for an excellent organization and support of the event.

From the Slovenian Armed Forces Military Schools Centre (MSC), the conference was attended by MSC Commandant Brigadier General Peter Zakrajšek, who also presided over the conference, Colonel Igor Cebek, PhD, Senior Military Specialist, Class XIV Vinko Veg

From the Slovenian Armed Forces Military Schools Centre (MSC), the conference was attended by MSC Commandant Brigadier General Peter Zakrajšek, who also presided over the conference, Colonel Igor Cebek, PhD, Senior Military Specialist, Class XIV Vinko Veg | Author Peter Golež

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