State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs at the consultation Vision of the Research and Innovation Strategy of Slovenia for effective twin transition
- Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs attended the consultation Vision of the Research and Innovation Strategy for effective twin transition hosted by the strategic research and innovation partnership Materials as End Products (SRIP MATPRO). At the event, State Secretary presented the investment priorities of EU Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 from the viewpoint of reforming Slovenia’s Smart Specialisation Strategy (S4).
The annual event organised by one of the most successful strategic research and development partnerships (SRIP) that emerged on the basis of S4 through the process of bringing together the key stakeholders in various fields serves as a platform for exchanging views between representatives of the state, the economic sector and knowledge institutions, in particular in light of the challenges of green and digital transformation. ‘This year’s event is of great importance as it coincides with the S4 reform process, as well with the process of designing a new Research and Innovation Strategy 2021-2030, programming process under the new EU Cohesion Policy period 2021-2027 and the launch of the national Recovery and Resilience Plan. The event is an excellent opportunity for exchanging views and for cooperation – two factors that play a crucial role for strategic documents to succeed,’ said State Secretary.
2021-2027 EU Cohesion Policy measures will complement the Recovery and Resilience Plan thus enhancing their impact. Under the period 2021-2027 Slovenia is eligible to EUR 3.2 billion and will, inter alia, use it for enhancing productivity, supporting digitalisation, for rail connectivity, sustainable mobility, arrangement of missing large wastewater collection and treatment systems and systems that ensure adequate quality of drinking water. The available funding will be used for energy-saving renovation of buildings and investing in renewable energy sources. ‘Solutions that address the challenges of green and digital transformation can be found in knowledge and innovation that will be realised with the help of EU funds. Such investments will be supported by the EU Cohesion Policy Funds also under the multiannual financial period 2021-2027 and the Recovery and Resilience instrument NextGenerationEU. Increasing the financial framework of budget funds for research and development is also foreseen by the Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act that was adopted by the Government in June 2021,’ said State Secretary.
State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs concluded by saying that the programming process will be finished by the end of 2021 with the formal approval of the documents being foreseen for mid-2022. She also said that before the documents are approved, Government Office will organise a series of consultations with a broad range of stakeholders that will take place in November and December 2021.