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Setting biodiversity on the path to recovery

  • Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
The virtual meeting of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15), which will take place between 11 and 15 October 2021, will be dedicated to preparations for negotiations on the 2030 and 2050 biodiversity targets, concluding with an in-person meeting next year. Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning Andrej Vizjak is attending the high-level meeting.

The focus of the meeting is the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, which will set global targets to achieve key changes aimed at halting the loss of biodiversity by 2030, thereby enabling its restoration. The framework is to be adopted at the in-person CBD COP15 meeting next year.

The minister said, “Slovenia may be known for its greenness but it still faces various biodiversity threats. More than 35% of its territory is protected, but it still has to overcome numerous challenges in the effective management of protected areas.

Many participants emphasised that it was essential to address the ambitious Global Biodiversity Framework and set clear, ambitious and measurable targets, mobilise resources and provide sufficient finances and people for their implementation. The participants agreed that biodiversity protection should be increased significantly, both with ambitious new targets and the implementation of measures on several levels if the interconnected crises of biodiversity loss and climate change are to be solved. Many of them also pointed out that action should be taken as soon as possible and that there was no time to lose.

Like several of his counterparts, Minister Vizjak emphasised that there was a need for nature-based solutions to be implemented more comprehensively, since these support the fight against climate change and adaptation to it and preserve biodiversity. At the meeting and in future negotiations in 2022, the Slovenian EU Council Presidency and EU Members States will continue to works towards the adoption of an ambitious Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.


For more information about the CBD COP15, visit the CBD website