Minister Andrijanič: Our priorities include not only digital transformation but also strengthening transatlantic relations
- Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Digital Transformation
The Minister of Digital Transformation, Mark Boris Andrijanič, first congratulated AmCham EU for organising the ninth conference on transatlantic digital economy. This year’s conference focuses on the opportunities and challenges of the masses of data that can drive the digital decade. "I congratulate AmCham EU not only for organising the ninth annual transatlantic digital economy conference, but also for your commitment to maintaining and strengthening transatlantic relations," Minister Andrijanič said.
"1948 could be described as the year when the transatlantic alliance was born. The United States, Canada and ten European countries committed themselves to building a strong, resilient and strategic partnership. In 1949, they signed the North Atlantic Treaty, establishing NATO as the first peacetime military alliance of the United States," he said, adding that 1948 was also the year when AmCham Belgium was founded, which, together with the creation of NATO, gave a new impetus to the transatlantic partnership. "It has also further strengthened commitments to protect our common values and economic interests," Minister Andrijanič added.
As he went on to say, Europe and the United States have much to learn from each other. "Europe can follow the example of the United States in developing high-tech innovation. On the other hand, Europe has a lot to offer when it comes to forward-looking technological regulations and standards, from privacy to digital markets and artificial intelligence," Minister Andrijanič stressed, adding that only by fostering a consumer-centred and trustworthy approach to digitalisation can we build a more competitive, inclusive and democratic society.
In his address, Minister Andrijanič also referred to the programme of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, which is based on four priorities. "Our priorities include not only digital transformation, digital technologies and cybersecurity, but also strengthening transatlantic relations. Cooperation with the United States and NATO is based on common principles, values and interests and is the best guarantee for strengthening the EU’s position in the international community. We want to strengthen the strategic autonomy of the EU and improve its capacity to ensure the availability of medicinal products and medical devices, and facilitate further research, development and production," Minister Andrijanič explained.
In conclusion, he expressed his commitment to reducing trade barriers, developing regulatory approaches for new technologies, ensuring a secure supply, chain and to promoting innovation and fair competition.
AmCham EU is an umbrella organisation for 44 countries throughout Europe and West Asia. It represents more than 17,000 American and European companies employing more than 20 million workers and accounting for more than USD 1.1 trillion in investment on both sides of the Atlantic. As a voice of American and European companies, AmCham EU strives to raise awareness of the importance of transatlantic cooperation.