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State Secretary Raščan attends the Savica Symposium 2021

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
In his address to the Savica Symposium 2021: Slovenian-American Science Symposium, State Secretary Stanislav Raščan gave an overview of the activities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the field of research and science.
State secretary sits infromt of flags, looks into camera

State Secretary Raščan at the Savica Symposium 2021 on the importance of transatlantic cooperation in research and science | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

The Savica 2021 international scientific symposium, which was attended by lecturers of elite American universities, was held at the Slovenian Embassy in Washington DC. The symposium participants were addressed by State Secretary Stanislav Raščan via video conference. He stressed the importance of transatlantic cooperation in the field of research and science, while also highlighting the efforts of the Slovenian Presidency in strengthening the European Research Area, such as Horizon Europe.

Lecturers presented original approaches in the fight against COVID-19 and the latest research results. Some lessons and encouraging results promise the development of antiviral drugs that are already in the late stages of testing.

The symposium, co-organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington and National Institute of Chemistry from Ljubljana, followed the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU with its programme. In addition to the exchange of views of Slovenian and foreign experts, networking and strengthening of cooperation between researchers on both sides of the Atlantic formed an important part of the event.