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State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs at the conference of the Centre for Creativity

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs and State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture dr. Ignacija Fridl Jarc today attended the conference of the Center for Creativity as special guests to deliver introductory remarks on the occasion of the launch of the call for proposals Promotion of cultural and creative industries – Centre for Creativity 2022. The call for proposals will receive ERDF co-financing.

As part of the call for proposals, grants will be made available for the development of innovative projects and businesses in the cultural and creative industries, for supporting artists and businesses in the stage of prototype and idea development as well as for supporting creative businesses wishing to grow, improve their business process and expand. The call will also provide funding for the development of new products, services and processes and foster stronger cooperation between the cultural and creative industries and other spheres of the economy.

State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs commended the Centre for Creativity for its achievements and work underlining the value of such calls for proposals that help build dynamic and competitive entrepreneurship for green growth. The latter makes up priority axis 3 in the current operational programme and is addressed by the European Regional Development Fund interventions.

The State Secretary further stressed that nearly EUR 48 million in EU funding have already been allocated to the area of culture under nine priority axes of the current 2014-2020 operational programme, which clearly proves how inextricably linked the cultural and creative industries are with a range of other areas. ''Integration and collaboration of the cultural and creative industries with the economy is key to creating innovative products, and in turn, added value, which paves the way towards greater resilience and improved competitiveness of the Slovenian economy, '' said the State Secretary.

Introductory remarks were followed by a detailed presentation of the call for proposals and workshops designed to provide the potential applicants with further detailed information about the call, its objectives and criteria.