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Knowledge Network for a more resilient Europe

On 7th December, Minister of Defence Matej Tonin and the European Commissioner Janez Lenarčič attended the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network Day/ video conference.

The Knowledge Network is a platform to integrate, process and share knowledge and information relevant to the functioning of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, based on a multi-skilled approach. It will integrate existing programs (training, exercises, lessons learned, dissemination of knowledge) and offer centralized access to all information relevant to civil protection.

The Knowledge Network will bring together all relevant civil protection and disaster management actors, centres of excellence, universities and researchers. Its purpose is to facilitate their cooperation and learning with the aim of strengthening the EU's capacity to deal with natural and other disasters at all stages (prevention, preparedness, response).

"The need to strengthen the Union's resilience to the upcoming crisis has been reaffirmed by the pandemic and other disasters which have affected Europe in recent years. When we and our German and Portuguese counterparts were preparing an 18-month trio presidency programme, we recognized the importance of the learning process in building resilience. We have thus set the development and launch of the Knowledge Network as one of our key priorities, " said Minister Tonin. "By bringing together different experts from different sectors and improving knowledge sharing, the Knowledge Network will contribute to more effective disaster risk management and consequently to a more resilient Europe," said Tonin.

We will also strengthen volunteering with the Knowledge Network. "The Knowledge Network offers a platform where volunteers will be meeting, sharing and educating new generations of dedicated and well-trained members of the future European civil protection community," explained Minister Tonin.

Additionally, Minister Matej Tonin reminded that misinformation had represented a great challenge even during the pandemic. As he pointed out at today’s conference, it remains one of the key challenges. Dealing with misinformation is a challenge both in preventive activities and in the field of preparedness and response to natural and other disasters. "The knowledge network could help counter fake news and misinformation in the field of civil protection," Tonin added.