Prime Minister Janez Janša at the European Union – African Union summit in Brussels
- Former Prime Minister Janez Janša (2020 - 2022)
At the summit, the foundations were laid for a renewed and deeper AU–EU partnership based on trust and a clear understanding of mutual interests. Leaders discussed how both continents can contribute to greater prosperity. They also talked about tools and solutions to promote stability and security through a renewed peace and security architecture.
A series of thematic roundtables was organised within the summit framework, where topics such as growth financing, health systems and vaccine production, agriculture and sustainable development, education, culture and vocational training, migration and mobility, peace, security and governance, climate change and energy transition, digital and transport, were debated.
EU and AU heads of state or government participated in the roundtables, together with a selected group of external guests who are experts in the fields concerned. Prime Minister Janez Janša made his address at the round table on peace, security and governance.