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Covid-19 restrictions for visiting the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia lifted

Health pass no longer mandatory, reading room no longer limited to 8 users.

In accordance with the Ordinance on the temporary measures for the prevention and control of infectious disease COVID-19, the number of visitors to our reading room at Zvezdarska Street 1 will from February 21, 2022 no longer be limited and will only be conditioned by ensuring suitable safety distance between visitors (at least 1.5 metre). Health pass for visiting is no longer mandatory.

Despite the easing of preventive measures, our visitors are still recommended to notify and coordinate the date of their visit with our reading room staff by email to or by phone 01/2414238, at which time they can also order the archival material they wish to see.

The use of masks, hand disinfection and the retaining of safety distance is still obligatory. We are also continuing with ventilation of our indoor space, and our reading room will for this purpose be closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11.15 to 12.00, on Wednesday from 11.15 to 12.15, and on Fridays from 10.45 to 11.15.