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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds to the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Slovenia condemns in the strongest terms the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and supports Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs conducts regular coordination with EU member states and international partners. Slovenian citizens currently in Ukraine are advised to leave the country as quickly and safely as possible.

Ukraine is an independent and sovereign state with internationally recognised national borders. The Russian Federation’s military invasion of Ukraine poses a threat to the European security architecture and world peace and constitutes a grave violation of international law and international agreements, including the Charter of the United Nations, UN Security Council Resolution 2202, the Helsinki Final Act, the Paris Charter and the Budapest Memorandum. The attack unilaterally violates the international legal order and demolishes the foundations upon which peace and mutual respect for the sovereignty of countries in democratic civilisations have been built in recent decades.

Slovenia strongly supports Ukraine and its people, also within the European Union and NATO.

Slovenia supported the adoption of severe sanctions against the Russian Federation at the EU level. Member states regularly coordinate the activities of the EU and its partners as well as the activities of their diplomatic staff in Kyiv. There is also ongoing coordination at the EU level on assistance and support to Ukraine and its people.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in regular contact with the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Kyiv where essential staff remain undertaking operations. Consular services are suspended until further notice.

Slovenian citizens currently in Ukraine are advised to leave the country as quickly and safely as possible.