Minister Logar participated in the urgent debate of the UN Human Rights Council
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Permanent Mission of the Republic of Slovenia to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva

Minister dr. Logar je napovedal podporo Slovenije resoluciji o stanju človekovih pravic po ruski agresiji na Ukrajino | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve
Speaking in the urgent debate at the UN Human Rights Council, Minister Logar once again condemned in the strongest terms Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and the support provided to the aggressor by Belarus. It is imperative that the international community react decisively and unanimously to the actions that lead to new civilian casualties every day, including children, and which have already driven hundreds of thousands of people out of their home.
He asserted that the military invasion and attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure constituted the grossest violation of all principles of international law, humanitarian law and human rights law. In doing so, he emphasised the right to life, liberty and personal security as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Minister Logar voiced Slovenia’s support for a resolution on the human rights situation arising from Russian aggression in Ukraine, which will, among other things, establish an international mechanism to investigate mass and serious human rights violations in Ukraine. It is crucial that all those responsible for their actions be held accountable, including through international criminal justice mechanisms.