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EU funding for pedestrian and cycle zones in Kranj

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project ITI KR KP between the Gosposvetska ulica street and the Bleiweisova cesta street.

Urban Municipality Kranj will use the awarded EU funding to arrange the brownfield areas and give pedestrians and cyclists safe paths in reaching various public and other institutions.    

Urban Municipality Kranj will use the European Regional Development Fund support for arranging pedestrian and cycle zones between the Gosposvetska ulica street and the Bleiweisova cesta street. As part of the project, the municipality will set up urban equipment and arrange public lighting, water supply for the drinking fountain, traffic equipment and signalisation. This will allow pedestrians and cyclists to safely reach various points in Kranj, such as the primary healthcare centre, bus station, pharmacy, court, Kranj Police Station, bank, and educational institutions.

The project is planned to be completed by the end of this year.