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Slovenia’s Sustainable Smart Specialisation Strategy S5 upgraded and published

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
On 23 December 2021, the core group of State Secretaries discussed and approved the draft of the upgraded Smart Specialisation Strategy. Interested stakeholders and opinion givers were then invited to submit their proposals, questions and positions regarding the document by 2 February 2022.

The public was thus actively involved in the formulation of Slovenia’s renewed Smart Specialisation Strategy. Thank you for all your contributions. After one month of being made public, the document was accordingly upgraded taking into account the suggestions and comments received, and submitted to the European Commission.

The new version of S5, which was submitted to the European Commission on 4 March 2022, is available here . After receiving the comments from the European Commission, we will update the document accordingly.

Slovenia’s Sustainable Smart Specialisation Strategy S5, draft, March 2022