Government sets maximum retail prices for petroleum products
- Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
In this Decree, the Government set the maximum permitted retail price of petroleum products at EUR 1.503 per litre for 95-octane unleaded petrol (NMB 95) and EUR 1.541 per litre for diesel fuel (diesel). The Decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia and will remain in force for 30 days.
The Government decided on this measure due to disruptions on the oil market and the wide fluctuations in prices, which are not seasonal. The maximum retail selling price for NMB 95 and diesel has been set on the basis of the latest 7-day average representative price of petroleum products for Slovenia, as reported to the European Commission for the Weekly Oil Bulletin. The Decree was adopted pursuant to the Price Control Act and the Decree listing goods and services to which price control measures apply.